Terms and Conditions Last updated 24th of Aug 2020
IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION. Please read the following terms and conditions of use carefully. You must be at least 18 years of age and be fully capable of acting legally and agreeing to these terms of use under the laws within your jurisdiction.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE 1. Acceptance of Terms of Use If you do not agree with the Terms of Use, you should not click to accept or otherwise agree with these Terms of Use, and you should immediately leave the Website and not access nor enter it or use it or any of its Services. You agree to sign a non-electronic form of these Terms of Use, should we request that you do so. Please print out and retain a copy of these Terms of Use for your records.
2. Lawful use "Lawful use" of our Services implies the unconditional acceptance of these Terms of Use and, upon your use of these Services, your compliance with current Greek law governing such transactions, as well as any other applicable legislation. The acceptance of the terms hereof in no way constitutes any type of work agreement or relationship or cooperation with us. In the event that any of these Terms of Use are violated, we reserve the right to exclude or delete you from the Website and its Services at any time.
3. Changes in the Terms of Use and Services The Terms of Use may be amended or changed by us at our discretion and at any time, with or without notice. The date that these Terms of Use were last updated is stated at the beginning of this page. Continued access or use of the Website, or any other services, following such changes will be considered unconditional acceptance of these changes. We also reserve the right, at our own discretion, to amend, suspend or discontinue any or all of the Services, at any time, with or without notice. We ask that you visit this page from time to time to ensure you are informed about the most recent version of these Terms of Use.
4. Personal Data Protection Policy We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of the personal data you provide through the Website. The personal data submitted through the Website are subject to the Privacy Policy which is published on the Website and has been incorporated here via link. Please read our Privacy Policy for insight into our practices regarding respect for your personal data. The date the Privacy Policy was last updated is noted at the top of the Privacy Policy section on our Website. We do not knowingly collect personal information from persons under 18 years of age.
5. E-shop
5.1 The Company's products are distributed on a retail basis through the e-shop in accordance with these Terms of Use and the above-mentioned Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of these Terms of Use.
5.2 Information & products provided The Company is bound to provide qualitative, complete and timely information on its Website, both with regard to the accuracy of information posted there, and the services and products provided by the e-shop, without prejudice: a) to possible technical or typographical errors which cannot be anticipated or which have occurred unintentionally, or b) the discontinued operation of the Website due to circumstances beyond the Company's control.
5.3 Limited liability The Company: (a) Fully complies with the provisions of the Civil Code regarding sales, and the provisions of Law2251/1994 regarding Consumer Protection, as amended and in force.
(b) Cannot guarantee the availability of products, but it does guarantee to provide timely information regarding unavailability.
(c) Provides the contents (e.g. information, names, photographs, depictions, documents and announcements), the Products and Services in general "as is", with no guarantee whatsoever, either express or implied (without prejudice to specific stipulations in these Terms of Use and the provisions of the mandatory law applicable to them).
(d) Is not liable for any technical problems that may arise for you when you attempt to access the Website and the e-shop and while having access to them which are related to the operation or compatibility of their infrastructure with the use of the Website.
(e) Is not liable or bound by potential errors in specifications, photographs or prices of Products listed in the e-shop and cannot guarantee that there will be no errors resulting from any cause upon entering and/or updating such specifications and/or the price of a Product.
(f) Is not liable for any legal, civil and/or criminal claims nor for any damages (material, specific or consequential, which may include but are not limited to, alternatively and/or cumulatively, loss of profits, data, loss of earnings, financial compensation, moral damage, etc.) suffered by visitors to the Website or third parties due to a cause related to the operation or lack thereof and/or the use of the Website and/or due to inability to provide services and/or information offered through the Website and/or due to prohibited interventions by third parties to products and/or services and/or information available there.
5.4. Personal data
5.4.1 In order to use the e-shop, it is necessary for you to provide certain personal information. To place an order, you will be asked your full name and address, the address to which you wish to have the products sent, your telephone number and your e-mail address, among other things, and in the event you elect to pay by credit card, you will need to provide the card number, date of expiry and security code. By entering your e-mail address, you agree that all information sent to you as part of filling your order may also be sent to the provided e-mail address.
5.4.2 For more information regarding how we are using cookies, the data we collect, how and why we are using your personal data, as well as under which circumstances we will reveal your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy which is incorporated herein via link and forms an integral part of the present Terms of Use.
5.4.3 In order to complete your order, we will ask your permission for the collection, use and storage of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
5.5 Orders - Product Purchase
5.5.1 When you enter into a purchase agreement with the Company: During the purchase and completion of each order, you will be guided step by step by the automated instructions of the system. Each order is filed on our databases for as long as it is deemed necessary for the execution of the purchase agreement, unless it is otherwise provided by law or you have given us permission to further process the personal data you communicate to us. Once the order has been completed, you will receive an e-mail (in the language you chose when placing your order) verifying that your order has been received by us. From this point onward, you enter into a purchase agreement with the Company. We also retain the right to communicate with you by telephone to confirm the order if it is deemed necessary. Before the order is completed, you will be able to review your order and amend it.
5.5.2 All orders are subject to approval by the Company. The Company may decline your order at its own discretion. Your order may be declined indicatively for the following resons:
(a) If the Products that appear on the Website are no longer available.
(b) If your payment is not approved by the bank.
(c) If shipping restrictions apply.
(d) If there are errors on the Website, such as price or description errors.
Once you place your order, we shall send you an e-mail message confirning safe receipt of your order, indicating your order number and the details of the Products ordered. embosser